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Pdfdown Issue 8 - 2023

Whirinaki Kāhui Ako

Our Apps

Karamū High has several ways for you to be kept up-to-date with two mobile apps, and a portal webpage.

Karamū High School App: (SchoolAppsNZ)

Phone Karamu

Features of the Karamū High School App:

Parents: Alerts of Lockdown, Wet Weather early finish
Students: Alerts from Sport Coaches, Academic and Cultural
Quick Access: Daily Notices, School Calendar
Latest News: Newsletters
Links: Karamū Website, Mail, Library, Facebook, YouTube
Term Dates, Absentee Line, School Contacts

To Setup: Install and set your alert groups using the top left button
Remember to check these each year and subscribe to the correct alerts


Teachers can sign in here: https://karamu.apps.school.nz/admin/inc.auth.php

Kamar App:

Phone Karamu

Features of the Kamar Portal App:

Notices and Calendar
Student Details
Attendance Data
Results (Subject Data)
Pastoral Data

To configure the app after installing:

Name:  Use Karamū or your Childs name
Portal Address:   portal.karamu.school.nz
You will need a username and password provided by the school
These are usually sent to new primary caregivers at the start of each year

Googleplay  Appleappstore

Kamar Portal (webpage):

Additional to the above apps, the Kamar Portal also offers the same functionality as the Kamar App within a web browser.


Features of the Kamar Portal Webpage:

Notices and Calendar
Student Details
Attendance Data
Results (Subject Data)
Pastoral Data
To login, visit: https://portal.karamu.school.nz or click 'Kamar Portal' in the menu at the top of this page.

You will need a username and password provided by the school
These are usually sent to new primary caregivers at the start of the year

Our Yearbook: Tira Ora

Tira Ora 2015Tira Ora 2016Tira Ora 2017Tira Ora 2018Tira Ora 2019
Tira Ora 2020Tira Ora 2020